艾默生电气丨【展览推荐】寥——杜小同水墨作品展 东方艺术·大家-东方艺术大家

丨【展览推荐】寥——杜小同水墨作品展 东方艺术·大家-东方艺术大家

2018-09-20 至 2018-09-27
江苏省国画院 山东省美术家协会
正观美术馆 宇辰美术馆


杜小同是当今中国水墨画坛特立独行的一位70后艺术家,其作品中所具有的独白性、疏离感可以用一个字来概括:寥。“寥,深也。” ,“寂兮寥兮,独立而不改”,正是杜小同的气质。作为一位坚守绘画、执着水墨的艺术家,杜小同的情感逻辑依然在山水的寄情抒意中荡漾,他并未试图完全跳脱于传统,而是一直在寻找笔墨与造境的新边界,表现出深入传统并扩展传统的积极姿态。杜小同用看似温和、朦胧实则刚强、坚挺的图像引导着直通有关 “寥”的意味。其旷阔、冷逸、空寥,呼应着董源、倪瓒、石涛、八大的一脉精神,而俯瞰世事的态度,直面艺术本体的冷静,扩张水墨语法的勇气,又使其作品具有了21世纪的所谓全球化意味。

此展仅选择“海?滩”和“竹?石”为主题的两类作品,策展的构思源于杜小同作品自身的拉度。“艾默生电气 海”这个题材曾经是专属于蓝色文明的,它在中国画里非常少见,海的块面性不适合中国笔墨的书写表现,海的无边无际、变幻莫测所带来的单调性、冒险性和危机忧患,显然不是传统中国画精神的叙事指向,杜小同则专注于这个题材多年,试图走得更远。他画海滩、画水天相接的交界,人在画面中不作为有特征的个体出现,在水域的漫无边际里显得渺小而萧索。杜小同正是以个人化的笔墨语言去表达他对大海的深切感受,本次展览尺幅最大的一件作品《长滩》(190x830cm)则将这种感受铺陈开来金民律 ,观者甚至会有步入其中的冲动。“竹印通天下 ?石”是杜小同在“海?滩”之后再次触碰传统题材的探索大宋神医 。相比于对海的拷问,“竹?石”则是传统中国画的重要对象,因其形式语言、表意体系的高度成熟,杜小同对此非常慎重,并在刻意与之保持着距离,有呼应但绝不趋同。《天池竹石》系列,《自去来》系列恐怕是他精心寻觅、严苛表达的成果。

此次在展厅的布局上相较于杜小同的探索过程呈倒叙结构嘉靖遗诏,色彩仅有黑、白、灰,简单而冷静。观众会走过美术馆竹影婆娑的廊道,由一个小空间进入,先观“竹?石”之境,再由这个小空间陡然跨进开阔的大厅,直面漫无边际的海平面,这种落差感恐怕是对“寥”的双重解读。冉东阳 总之寒冰菇 ,无论是“竹?石”的漠然疏懒,还是“海?滩”的澹然无依田村淳 ,都在隐喻着杜小同作品所带来的“山水观”与“海洋观”的冲撞与融合王飞鸿 。

News Release of “Silence——Ink and Wash Art of Du Xiaotong” Exhibition
“Silence——Ink and Wash Art of Du Xiaotong” Exhibition will open 14:30 on Sept. 20, 2018, at NAMOC. This exhibition is sponsored by Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Painting Institute &Shandong Artists Associationand co-organized by Rightview Art Museum & Yuchen Art Gallery. Vice president of Beijing Fine Art Academy, Mr. Wu Hongliang is the curator of this exhibition.

Du Xiaotong, born in 1970s, is a maverick artist in contemporary Chinese ink and wash art circles; the monological feature and alienated feelings in all his artworks could be concluded with one word: “Silence”. “Silence sometimes means profound.” “Though being silent and lonely都市大仙君, independence will never change” is precisely the temperament of Du Xiaotong. As an artist focusing on drawing ink and wash art, Du Xiaotong is still expressing his feelings in mountains and rivers. Rather than abandoning tradition, he has been trying to find the new boundary between ink, brushwork and artistic conception惠之林, showing his positive attitude in going deep into tradition and explore tradition. With seemingly soft and obscure pictures, he is actually guiding us to his meanings of “silence” in an unyielding and strong way. We could find the spirit of Dong Yuan, Ni Zan灵山神箭 , Shi Tao and Zhu Da in his wide, cold and silent style; meanwhile, his attitude facing this mundane world and his calmness before art, and his courage to expand the grammer of ink and wash art, bestowed his art with the so-called global connotation of the 21st century.

自去来之二 250.5x89.5cm 水墨宣纸2017年
Two series of his art themed “Sea, Coastal Beach” and “Bamboo, Stone” are selected to show in this exhibition. The tension and wideness in Du Xiaotong’s artworks are the inspiration of curatorship. “Sea” was a theme once belongs to blue civilization and is rarely seen in Chinese ink and wash art失控的关系 , it is not proper to be displayed with Chinese writing brushwork with ink and wash. The endless and unpredictably changing sea brings us the suffering of monotonous feeling, adventure and crisis, which are obviously not the narrative direction of Chinese ink and wash art. Du Xiaotong studied this theme for many years and tried to make some new achievement. He draws coastal beach and the boundary between sea and sky, while people never appear in his pictures as characteristic personality, but rather, they look small in the endless sea water and give us a desolate feeling. Du Xiaotong is precisely expressing his deep feeling for the sea with personal ink and wash language. In this exhibition洛南天气预报, an artwork titled “The Long Coastal Beach” (190x830cm)with the largest dimension well expressed this feeling that visitors would even feel like stepping into it. “Bamboo, Stone” is Du Xiaotong’s new exploration into traditional theme after his “Sea猴枣牛黄散, Coastal Beach” series. Comparing to his questioning to the sea, “Bamboo, Stone” are important objects in traditional Chinese art. As they are very mature in form刘宣苦读成才, language and ideographic system, Du Xiaotong treats them in a very discreet way and keeps distance from them intentionally; his art echo them but never be same to them. His “Bamboo, Stone of Heaven Pool” series and “Tides” series, should be his fruits of his careful exploration and expression.

长滩(1.9米×8.3米)水墨宣纸 2016

自去来之二 250.5x89.5cm 水墨宣纸 2017年
As for the design of layout of this exhibition, comparing with Du Xiaotong’s exploration, we used a flashback structure with only three colors——black, white and grey——making this exhibition look simple and peaceful. Visitors will walk through the corridor between bamboos and enter his exhibition from a small space to view “Bamboo, Stone” first, then they come into a large pavilion to find the endless sea; the strong contrast may also be another perspective to interpret the title “Silence”. All in all, both the transcendent feeling of “Bamboo, Stone” and the indifferent attitude of “Sea, Coastal Beach” are all metaphors of the collision and fusion of Du Xiaotong’s “view of mountains and rivers” and “view of sea” in his art.


杜小同 1972年生于陕西富平 1995年毕业于西安美院附中 1999年毕业于中央美院国画系水墨人物画室获学士学位 2009年毕业于中央美术学院中国画学院获艺术硕士学位 现居烟台 鲁东大学艺术学院副教授 当代水墨研究中心主任.
寥---杜小同水墨作品展 (中国美术馆 北京)
淘泳---杜小同作品观摩展 (正观美术馆 北京)
天高云淡--杜小同作品展 (广东美术馆 广州)
寻常---杜小同水墨作品展 (正观美术馆 北京)
群展 (节选)
自. 沧浪亭当代艺术展(金鸡湖美术馆 苏州)
以形写神人物画展 (南京艺术学院美术馆 南京)
十年河西当代水墨艺术展 (晨艺术空间 临沂)
不仅仅看见--新现实主义水墨研究展 (国家画院美术馆 北京)
天池石壁际-杜小同 徐刚作品展
柒舍雅集当代水墨展 (悉尼大学美术馆 悉尼)
党震 杜小同双个展 (正观美术馆 北京)
第三届当代水墨空间:变相----水墨的维度展 (广州美术馆 广州)
水墨边界---当代青年艺术家邀请展 (西安美术学院美术馆 西安)
这世间唯一的花艺术展 (三清上艺术中心 杭州)
黟昧取像----当代水墨邀请展展 (宣和美术馆 南京)
四方水墨第三回展 (石家庄美术馆 石家庄)
柒舍雅集当代水墨展 (欧盟大使馆 北京)
“水墨中的人物”作品展(南京师范大学美术学院美术馆 南京)
“对坐”图像与空间水墨邀请展(芥墨艺术馆 南京)
“体像”四人水墨作品巡回展(江苏省国画院美术馆 南京)
“关注的力量--青年水墨艺术展” (今日美术馆 北京)
“艺术家呈现的信仰清单” (逸轩美术馆 郑州)
学院新方阵水墨邀请展 (天大云华美术馆 北京)
“六城纪”中国新水墨联展 (山东省美术馆 济南)
“无声诗”中国当代青年巡回展 (悉尼中国文化中心 澳大利亚)
图像研究室—水墨进程中的一种“显象逻辑”展 (正观美术馆 北京)
无声诗--中国当代水墨展 (香港大学美术博物馆 香港)
“在路上:中国青年艺术家作品提名展(关山月美术馆 深圳)
“艺术家呈现的信仰清单”水墨邀请展 (逸轩美术馆 郑州)
不破不“惑”当代水墨画家邀请展 (石家庄美术馆 石家庄)
水墨边界当代青年艺术家邀请展 (西部美术馆 西安)
里应外合——首届峨眉当代艺术国际邀请展 (峨眉当代艺术馆 四川)
70一代---水墨画邀请展 (金陵美术馆 南京)
艺术家的理想—柒舍雅集第四回展 (今日美术馆 北京)
鸿蒙变—玉衡水墨邀请展 (玉衡画廊 上海)
双轨记——关于老鲁的一次‘写生’邀请展 (芥末艺术馆 南京)
现场—跨地域的水墨经验 (喜马拉雅美术馆 上海)
水墨.笔墨 柒舍雅集艺术展第三回(映禾美术馆 南京)
关注的力量—水墨画邀请展 (今日美术馆 北京)
墨言新语—当代水墨展 (北京1+1艺术中心 北京)
中国当代水墨年鉴-第二回展*入境(圣之空间 北京)
墨向-非常态—中国当代水墨邀请展(江苏省美术馆 南京)
“城怀味象”--2014中国当代艺术邀请展(深圳美术馆 深圳)
“明月清风”—当代中国画名家宫扇精品邀请展(保利艺术博物馆 北京)

《二十一世纪优秀艺术家——杜小同》 (江苏美术出版社2002年)
《沉默的见证--杜小同》 (陕西美术出版社2008年)
《无境-当代青年艺术家丛书》 (文化艺术出版社2010年)
《2010年度水墨—杜小同》 (河北美术出版社2010年)
《当代水墨心经---杜小同》 (河北美术出版社2016年)

作者:admin 2014年04月30日